Monday, November 15, 2010


I was responsible for creating a Photo Story to kickoff our school's major fundraiser.  I took my job very seriously working for 12 hours to create this four minute display that would melt the heart of anyone with a child in our school.  And then I tried to test it.  I opened up my laptop only to discover I was no longer a recognized user on the computer where my masterpiece was stored.  Kiosk was the user. 

Now, Kiosk is not a friendly user.  He doesn't like to share.  He was determined not to let me through the walls where he had locked away all my work.  He only laughed that silent laugh of a computer and continued to greet me with countless error messages.  Yes, Kiosk knew my limited knowledge of computer work was no match for his mighty fortress.  Thankfully, my white knight of technology came to the rescue and was able to find Kiosk's weakness.  All was well...or so I thought.

Guess who greeted me this morning. 

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