Sunday, June 5, 2011

At Last!

It's been two weeks since I've been out of school.  While things have been a little slower, today was the first day I truly felt relaxed.  Despite it heat and humidity, I sat out on my deck and actually read an entire magazine from cover to cover.  It was dated October 2010 so I'm a bit behind on my reading, but it was enjoyable none the less.

And look who stopped by....

Just another piece of photographic evidence for those who don't believe in my albino bunny friend.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Family Mysteries

I've been absent for a bit.  The end of kindergarten took a bit bigger toll on me due to the attachment I formed with this particular group.  But summer is here.  While it seems to be filling up quickly, I'm looking forward to a little time to reconnect with all those things I love besides my job.

Last weekend, I was able to spend time with my mother and two of her sisters.  It's always great to spend time with them.  We went to the cemetary where my grandfather is buried.  It was the first time I had been back since my grandfather's funeral.  Right next to my grandfather's gravemarker were the gravemarkers of my great-grandparents.  Looking at the date, I realized my great-grandfather had been alive for the first three years of my life.  I couldn't help but wonder, what did he think?  Did he know me?  Was I someone he thought of or talked about?  It seems so strange to be a small part of this man's life when  have no recollection of him.

And then, I thought of my 6 year old niece.  She was a baby when my grandfather (her great-grandfather) past away.  We took her to see him in the nursing home.  We introduced her to her great-grandfather.  Although he was no longer speaking when this little blonde haired, brown eyed beauty entered his world, I like to think he knew.  He spoke so few words in his life, but he was oh so proud of his family.  I would like to think the birth of another little girl added more joy to his big, silent heart.

Some things will always be a mystery, but that doesn't mean I can't add my "happily ever after" twist to them.