Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Love You More!

One day at circle time, this conversation took place:

Student:  We love you!

Me:  I love you, too!

Student:  But we love you more!

Me:  That's so nice of you to say, but I think I love you more.

Since then, it's been a lovefest in kindergarten.  Each day, they present me with new reasons why they love me more than I love them.  They tell me the love me more than recess, more than ice cream, more than all the chocolate chip cookies in the world. 

We become a big family during kindergarten.  We spend the majority of our days together.  We have experiences and inside jokes that belong to us.  They bond us together.  Sure, there are times when we fuss and argue, but we also take care of each other.

And now my little ones are in their final month of school.  It's that time of year when I wish I could just slow time down.  There are still so many things I want to teach them.  There are so many more stories for them to tell me.  There are still so many experiences for us to share.  We need more time.

But I can't slow time down.  For now, I'll do my best to fill their final kindergarten days with as much learning, fun and happiness as possible.  And when that final day arrives, I'll be the one at the door quietly whispering, "I love you more!"

1 comment:

  1. So Sweet! They'll always remember their very special kindergarten teacher!
